White-faced heron,
silhouette over the
pink ocean, glides
to its evening rest
beneath the dark
and banking clouds.
Words from the Jagged Edge of Truth
White-faced heron,
silhouette over the
pink ocean, glides
to its evening rest
beneath the dark
and banking clouds.
Oh this heart that yearns
for all that is known
and yet unknown –
what name shall we give
to this deep darkness
that cries for light?
Not much it seems
has come of the plans
we made to turn the heads
and minds of those
who refuse to turn.
Oh this spirit that yearns
for all that is known
and yet unknown –
what name shall we give
to this deep darkness
that cries for light?
I was lost today
in the words I would say
to try and explain
what it is I feel
about falling short
of my cherished ideal.