She drops the three kids off
to me on her way to work –
She’s a wonder woman.
Coffee? I ask.
Yes please! I’m running late but
I don’t not have time for coffee!
Words from the Jagged Edge of Truth
She drops the three kids off
to me on her way to work –
She’s a wonder woman.
Coffee? I ask.
Yes please! I’m running late but
I don’t not have time for coffee!
The grey summer sky
squeezes drops of rain
onto the still sea;
triangles of stretched canvas
wait for the breeze.
There was no man or woman,
no country or government
who could lay claim to
the other side of the coin;
that side, the domain
of that other kingdom.
He showed the coin
this side and that,
a dull, bronze metal
carrying the image of man
whose due though
was only half the story.
Fields with treasure
and lost coins, and good seeds
and bad seeds and pearls
and soft ground and hard ground,
kindness, caring, generosity,
inclusiveness and love,
all that kingdom make.
In this age, Caesar conspires
to take the whole coin for himself,
but it never was about the money,
more about mustard seeds
and leaven.
I am sorry that your heart
is broken and helpless,
I want to sing you a song
to lift your spirit
and settle your soul,
but I cannot hold a tune.
Not that matters I guess,
just need to find the words
that have something
real to say.
To whom much is given
shall much be required
and how cheaply we have held
the blood, the cup of wine
becoming ourselves
whitened sepulchres
marauders for gain
trading only one side of the coin.
On the other hand
they say the kingdom
is flourishing where
it should not flourish
and the righteous highway
drives a thin shaft of light
straight through the dark heart.
About now comes the thought
that the time has passed,
the voice for the birthright
unable to profoundly articulate
what is being lost in the unfolding
of these times.