And what a tower we have built here,
Reaching through cloud and sky
And touching the brightness of the sun;
Even Icarus was brought low,
‘Complacency’ and ‘arrogance’
Etched on his headstone.
Words from the Jagged Edge of Truth
And what a tower we have built here,
Reaching through cloud and sky
And touching the brightness of the sun;
Even Icarus was brought low,
‘Complacency’ and ‘arrogance’
Etched on his headstone.
Out here she says
No one need live alone
Or try to pull cold stars
About their shoulders,
For warmth is found
In the whare hearth.
There is no hunger here
In the shadow of the sun
Where love carves its name
Caressing flesh and stone,
Table is laid inside the home.
It is for the joy of the song
That the blackbird sings
And the child laughs
At the nursery rhyme
That make so sense at all.
Here there is an understanding
between the ripples of water
and the grains of sand
dancing together constantly
in the pushing back
and forth of time.
Here I am a stranger
among the nesting dotterels
and the lazing oyster catchers,
the sea sparkles
beneath the morning sun,
sings a lullaby to the shore.
Undisturbed under the rays
of a still, winter sun,
the tide of a thousand years
laps at my feet at Scandritt Bay
as if it has known me all its life.
In the stillness comes the whisper
to forge the road, to turn the page ,
to write new moments
upon the heart of tomorrow;
it can be heard in the rasping of the tide.
And as the sun filters through the grey cloud,
and sweeps clear the wide, blue sky,
she fixes her eyes distantly, catches
the cry of the sadness and waters
the vase for the red rose that blooms.
There is no expectation in her eyes
as she counts back the moments ,
recounts the light, the dark, the tears
and the laughter that sink slowly
beneath the surface of the sea.